I’m just lost now.

The Dr Seuss blanket was easily the biggest and most significant project I have ever done in my life. And now its done and I don’t have anything that means so much to me to do. I’ve been doing bits and pieces on other blankets I’ve been doing for years that I don’t really care about. And I knitted a beanie. Can you imagine. One entire project in just one day!!

Hopefully I’m going to get a lesson on how to use my spinning wheel tomorrow so there will be that. But even that is something I can’t do until Isaac goes to bed because he just wants to ‘help’ so much.

So I have found this…


Its complicated lace on a fairly large scale which I don’t really think I can do. The pattern was translated from german and is very hard to read and I  think I will probably cast on and then get stuck but its so beautiful and I think I might just give it a try.

Need to go shopping.

I’m also planning to do the Dr Seuss blanket again one day. Not for years. But one day. Next time in pure wool so I can enter it into competitions. And next time I’m going to pick three background colours and do it all with that. Should be awesome!

About lisa170

I'm a 30 something mum of a crazy crazy toddler. Pro - marriage equality, choice, bottle feeding, Actively encourage - immunisation, blood donation, Low tolerance for - idiots, Loves - chocolate, Eddie Perfect, Hates - the dentist, driving.
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