To finish that story…

I miss nummies in my life. He’s actually fine without them.

Except bedtime which did involve putting him into bed at 7:30pm and him asleep at 7:32pm is now putting him to bed at 7:30pm and him asleep somewhere around three and a half days later. Well… around 11pm anyway.

I’m so tired. I haven’t stayed up this late in years. It takes hours of book reading and potty trips and bargaining and bribery and threats and tears (from both of us) to finally get him to sleep. And then he wakes up so early! So so early. Mumma needs sleep boy! Mumma needs so much sleep. 

But we’re in much too deep to turn back now. We’ve done it. We chucked every single nummy in the bin. Then we chucked the 30 extra nummies he had stashed around the house god knows where in the bin. And its just a case of keep going and wait for it to settle in to the new routine.

I’m considering giving him away for a few months. Mumma needs some sleep. 

About lisa170

I'm a 30 something mum of a crazy crazy toddler. Pro - marriage equality, choice, bottle feeding, Actively encourage - immunisation, blood donation, Low tolerance for - idiots, Loves - chocolate, Eddie Perfect, Hates - the dentist, driving.
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